#9 Real Estate as a Driver of Change with Frank Sippel.

The title seems almost a contradiction as we see the housing and affordability crisis mainly driven by extractive real estate business models in many metropolitan areas around the globe.

But this is not carved in stone. We can truly sense into the soul of a property and feel into what that space within its given surrounding really wants to serve for. And create the circumstances that enable a broad variety of stakeholders to cocreate a place full of abundance including the arts and take sustainability really to the next level.  

Welcome to explore the episode with Frank Sippel, Founder of Real Future, and developer of a bunch of alternative real estate projects such as Holzmarkt and Malzfabrik.

We explore how real estate can be a very hands-on, palpable driver of change, especially doubling down on the new piece to be developed at Fürstenberg an der Havel, only 50 minutes from Berlin central station. Here at Röblinsee, Real Future will build a mixed-use quarter with all its outstanding potential for high location attractiveness. Living, actively on and near the water is the central credo of Quarter Havelfabrik.

Further information on the development of Havelfabrik can be found here.

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#8 Facilitating large scale cultural change with Pamela von Sabljar, Jeff Genung and Mila Aliana.

How can we facilitate the many chrysalis cells for the emerging, regenerative paradigm that are so far often not connected, when already aligning groups is quite challenging? We truly need groups of groups that share a common North Star, all while they still pursue their own goals, obviously. This is an undertaking that has never been done before on a global scale. But we know leaps in history are possible, from the abolition of slavery, the women’s liberations movement, the end of Apartheid, the fall of the Berlin wall.

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#7 The Politics of Waking Up with Indra Adnan.

What could be a new way to imagine politics?
In this episode we are diving deep into the weeds of Citizen Action Networks (CAN). We reflect how much of the inner worlds we all inhabit, from the trauma we hold, to the memetic center of gravities that steer our perception of reality, to the culture we need to nourish, for a “Politics of Waking Up”.

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#6 Redefining Money, Value and Impact with Kaitlin Archambault, Joshua Haynes and Indy Johar.

We live in times where it is obvious that the current economic paradigm cannot uphold much longer. In this week’s session we are going to focus on very hands-on examples that redefine impact investing, to ensure that the human factor and wellbeing is counted in, as well as sense into intergenerational investment and new ways to create impact through multi-stakeholder relationships, breaking up the barrier between classical philanthropy and impact investing.

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#56 The Future of Systemic Investing: Tackling Root Causes for Lasting Change with Giannandrea Giammanco

In this visionary episode, Alistair Langer sits down with Giannandrea Giammanco, the trailblazing founder of FVTURA, to uncover how systemic investing can transform industries, societies, and the planet. Together, they explore the power of addressing root causes through collaboration, advanced technology, and a bold reimagining of capital’s role in creating legacies.

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#54 Personal Transformation as a Catalyst for Systemic Change

In this insightful episode of Catalyzing Radical Systemic Change, I’m joined by Krisana Locke and Dr. Mazen R. Harb, two innovative leaders from 3Peak Coaching & Solutions. Together, we explore the transformative role of human dynamics in driving organizational success and the intersection of personal growth and systemic change.

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