#8 Facilitating large scale cultural change (#2)

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

Nelson Mandela


How can we facilitate the many chrysalis cells for the emerging, regenerative paradigm that are so far often not connected, when already aligning groups is quite challenging? We truly need groups of groups that share a common North Star, all while they still pursue their own goals, obviously. This is an undertaking that has never been done before on a global scale. But we know leaps in history are possible, from the abolition of slavery, the women’s liberations movement, the end of Apartheid, the fall of the Berlin wall.

What are patterns we can distil and templatize to scale the joint efforts we all share to create the world we all know in our hearts is possible to paraphrase Charles Eisenstein?

Welcome to our second edition on “Facilitating large scale cultural change” with Pamela von Sabljar, facilitator from the evolutionary edge, Jeff Genung, Managing Director of Prosocial World and Mila Aliana, catalyst of change, alchemist, and guardian of life.


Mila Aliana

As a senior consultant, Mila has delivered a portfolio of transformational change programs for multinationals across diverse sectors, industries and cultures. She has extensive experience in complex and systemic change and social innovations within businesses, institutions, governments, and communities. 

Currently, as a catalyst of change, alchemist, and guardian of life, she works with pioneers of the heart, change agents, regenerative and ecovillage practitioners, activists and indigenous peoples.  For a couple years now, she has also been designated as an emissary to a global circle of indigenous elders.

The collective intention of the human mycellium collaboration and ecosystem is to explore, experiment, and re-member a way of being in all aspects of life hat is more aligned to how nature/ living systems/ life works and regenerates within its organic lifecycle, shifting from survival (fear and scarcity) to relational living (love, abundance and interbeingness) at embodied and cellular levels, from me to we and more-than-human we. 

She stands for all life forms. Nature has evolved since the beginning of time. It has immense wisdom and is life’s teacher. 


Jeff Genung

is Managing Director, Chief Architect, and trustee of Prosocial World. A non-profit organization whose mission is to consciously evolve a world that works for all. 

He is also co-founder of Contemplative Life, a digital hub that connects people and communities with transformative practices, and co-founder of Transformation365.org, an experiential practice network. Most recently, he launched Prosocial Spirituality, a training and research initiative exploring the integration of evolutionary science and evolutionary spirituality. 

Jeff has spent decades as an entrepreneur and technology executive. He has created and managed partnerships with some of the world’s largest technology and retailing companies.

He is currently focused on exploring the integration of science and spirituality, the arts, and technology, with the aim of creating a more balanced and caring world for all. 


Pamela von Sabljar

is a new breed speaker, facilitator and author working at the evolutionary edge. She espouses dialogue, sensing, creating and leading from this ever-emergent edge — which she calls Living from Eros.

“Talk to someone, really talk to them, listen deeper, pay more attention, and you’ll notice _______ . In the space between there’s an emergence. There’s fresh information encoded there, within and between the relational fields. What shines forth, right here, that emergent creative intelligence, that evolutionary impulse … that’s Eros itself.”

In addition to co-hosting the largest global Emergent Dialogue training in the world, she leads Next Level Facilitation masterclasses; hosts training on cutting edge sense-making platforms like Rebel Wisdom, Emerge Network, Foundation of Ekskäret. She is also a mentor for new paradigm leaders, Co-Initiator of the Nordic Women’s gathering, and a sacred Spanda Tantrika.

Pamela has over 20 years experience of leadership, personal development and behavioural science. Throughout her career, she has worked with the business and public sectors as well as private individuals, specialising in personal, group and organisational development and founded leadership programs in advanced self-awareness and self-leadership camps for youths aged 13-30.

She is the author of several books on self-development, gender equality and pedagogy as well as childrens’ books.



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