#17 Integral Investing with Dr. Mariana Bozesan

This time we will dive deep into:

  • Dr. Bozesan’s biography: moving from a communistic to a capitalistic country as a child, stereotypes she had to face, and missing spirituality in her heart and soul, and how they tie into the overarching topic.
  • Our guest has been investing for over three decades now. The market is constantly changing, but we are living in a more drastic transitional era. We will find out what’s her response to that and how her approach has changed over the years.
  • Definition of Integral Investing and what makes this framework so meaningful. The unique process of due diligence, vetting, and investing. She will also explain the examples from the perspective of classical and integral investing.
  • We will highlight the businesses that make a contribution to creating a segway for the inhabitants of this planet to live in harmony. Taking the current state of affairs on the planet into account, we will explain what role Integral Investing plays in manifesting a planetary civilization.
  • And finally, we will finish the podcast by discussing the biggest levers that move the needle of change through the example of The Collapse of Complex Societies by Joseph Tainter and how this all correlates with an individual’s wellbeing.

About Dr. Mariana Bozesan

Dr. Bozesan is an award-winning integral investor, futurist, and renowned author of the Report to the Club of Rome and WAAS, Integral Investing: From Profit to Prosperity. She is, furthermore, an empowering speaker, a prominent alumna of KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), and a successful serial entrepreneur focusing on exponentially growing technologies to accelerate the implementation of the UN SDGs within Planetary Boundaries. She was named Europe’s Female Angel Investor, Golden Angelina Award, of 2019 by BAND, the German Business Angel Network, and BAE, Business Angels Europe, and Entrepreneur of the Year 2016 by EBAN, the European Business Angel Network. Mariana was awarded full membership in the international Club of Rome and is a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science. She was National Advisory Board Member for the G8/G20 Social Impact Investment Task Force and serves as a strategic advisor on safe AI, ethical & integral finance, and sustainability to various funds, NGOs, social businesses, and governmental organizations. She is also a futurist, researcher, published author, environmentalist, frequent TV, and radio guest, as well as a human rights activist. Dr. Bozesan has earned an outstanding track record as an Integral Investor in early-stage companies.

As the architect of Integral Investing, an investment philosophy she developed based on Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory, she provides the means and metrics to implement the Parity between People, Planet, Prosperity—with Purpose and Passion. Her Theta Model is the due-diligence, de-risking, process that applies the tools and methodologies of Integral Investing to de-risk investments with the intention of building integrally sustainable companies from the very beginning. Her Moonshot is the implementation of the Investment Turnaround (in German: Investmentwende) through the specific application of exponential technologies toward implementing the UN SDGs within planetary boundaries by 2050. The trained AI expert and computer scientist is also a prominent keynote speaker and an inspiring lecturer on the future of investing, business, finance, and economics at prestigious organizations including Stanford, Oxford, and INSEAD as well as the United Nations, and TEDx. Dr. Bozesan is, furthermore, the co-founder of AQAL AG, a multi-family office, AQAL Capital, a single-family office, as well as the AQAL Foundation.



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